Why is this problem important? What are my goals?
Quantitative Research - Survey Findings
Qualitative Research - Interviews & Insights gathered
User Personas
Competitor Analysis
User Stories and how I prioritised them
Prototyping and User Testing
Qualitative Usability Testing - Metrics for success
Method chosen: Think Aloud method => To understand users' pain points for initial UT
Though I acknowledge that some metrics to measure success through quantitative usability testing involves the amount of time taken to accomplish a task and the number of clicks it takes to accomplish a task, in this case, I chose task-completion rates where I have the participants tasked to act out a series of activities using the application and say-aloud their actions whilst measure how successful they are in completing the actions
Though I acknowledge that some metrics to measure success through quantitative usability testing involves the amount of time taken to accomplish a task and the number of clicks it takes to accomplish a task, in this case, I chose task-completion rates where I have the participants tasked to act out a series of activities using the application and say-aloud their actions whilst measure how successful they are in completing the actions
High Fidelity Prototypes